Oblyon's Philosophy
Oblyon’s mission:
to provide art and business intelligence
Oblyon's Intelligence
Oblyon’s service:
through an integrated wealth of highly diversified and yet highly complementary human resources Oblyon delivers a unique and high value expertise to its clients, be those individuals investing in art rather than financial institutions structuring a new product offering or corporate entities expanding in new markets;
Competitive edge:
in an information intensive economy where the immaterial value of products and that of their exchange can amount to 700% the value of the actual use of a product, the ability to read the economy through a lens different than mere econometric measurements and taking into account human values and desires is the base of any sustainable business model.
The function of Art:
Art for us is a tool, to make us discern intellectual realities with vivid distinctiveness, an instrument to create an appearance that can compete with reality, not by delusion or error but by illusion establishing an ideal point of contact between the sense-world and the world of ideas, extricating the essential from the insignificant, always making us realize the vision in and through the world of sense taking our inner life and
compelling it to higher possibilities with a renovated hope;
“Hope is something to celebrate.
It is a fundamental ingredient t of success, because many outcomes, personal or economic, are determined by how much of it we bring to the task; in most cases the difference between failure and success is determined by nothing more than our sense of what is possible and the energy we can muster to convince others of our worth.” (J. Soros, Founder of Quantum Fund);
Art & Business:
Is not a dichotomy but a new synergy, a new assonance between two worlds ever more converging and sharing the same values of constant renovation, reinvention, values contamination, ongoing adaptation, constant sharing and collaboration in an economic system that is switching from competition to co-opetition and in a society is moving switching from juxtaposition to a necessitated globalised inclusion.
Harvard Business review:
“Each month we illustrate our Spotlight package with a series of works from an accomplished artist. The lively and cerebral creations of these photographers, painters, and installation artists are meant to infuse our pages with additional energy and intelligence to amplify what are often complex and abstract concepts”.
Individuals and corporate entities alike:
that function of art is valid for both individual as well as corporate entities; in an economy and overall society dominated, ever more so, by the value of the intangible to such an extent that the difference between soft and hard assets is blurring towards a true and full new definition of “output”, art serves both the human necessity of each individual to state his own authenticity and uniqueness also when it come to investment, and corporate entities forced to adopt and integrate new soft skills in their strategic planning, in order to serve precisely that human need in a full-blown post-capitalist economy.
Oblyon’s mission:
Break down
Art Advisory / Art & Finance